Off and on all day before Tropical Rick arrived the skys kept opening and drowning us in water, so staff was always sweeping water away.
The following pictures are after the storm with a few before to show the difference in the water and wind. We are very thankful that the El Cid bldings are so tall as they protected us from the brunt of the wind and swells.
Only small amount of damage around pool area because of the great clean up done before the storm
Looking across the channel the day before the storm hit it was pretty calm
Before Tropical Rick |
This is at 8:00am the day of the storm just as the eye is getting ready to pass over us. The waves and swells have increased and the amount of salt water mist in the air is increasing. In fact the waves were entering the Condo bldings on the other side of the break water. We heard from other people that the bldings seem to be alive with movement from the wind..
This tree and quite a few others which are at the back of El Cid between another hotel that has been closed, came down in the storm. El Cid lost about 4 windows while the hotel behind us and the bowling alley across the street lost numerous windows. But all in all it was all very minor here in Mazatlan proper.
If you were one of the locals that lived in the south eastern outlaying areas they got hit harder. With roofs coming off , water being contaminated and the power being off for a week.
We have decide if it was a full blown hurricane numbered at 2 or above we would not stay on the boat. We both agree that we have been bounced around on docks a lot more at home then we were here durining Tropical Rick.