Well its time to head back to the boats. We found this sign in one of the cafes and thought it was amusing.
As we left we were able to see the monument that marks the geographical center of Mexico.
The Town of Leon is one of the major manufacturers of shoes for Mexico and North America. Numerous small trucks drove by our bus with their boxes full of moulds,for shoes, boots and what looked like boxes of shoes that were going to be shipped. No matter how Debbie asked the rest of the crew always responded `no we will not stop so you can buy new shoes.
Finally the last transfer, Debbie is looking forward to getting back to the boat and not worrying about keeping the group of 6 entertained and on schedule for tours, meals and buses.
Got back to the boat to find we needed to wash a few items before we could start heading back to Mazatlan. Hand washing was not in the job description on the lastest job posting for crew on the boat. Except we were not happy with the laundry lady so out come the bucket and plunger.